SBC History
The last decade of the 1800s and the first decades of the twentieth century were years of turmoil for the country and the Church in the Philippines. The Philippine Revolution against Spain with its anti-friar character, the Spanish American War (1898) ended the 400 years Spanish colonization and ushered 40 years of the American Colonial Period.
The Americans established an efficient Public School system where students flocked to learn English and their 3 Rs. The Americans also brought Protestantism and the public schools were venues for introducing the new Religion. Learn more
SBC Mission Statement
St. Bridget College Batangas is a center for excellence offering an education with programs and services that are person and community oriented anchored in Christian faith and values and supported by appropriate resources and technology.
We will form competent, committed and integrated persons who live the Good Shepherd charism of compassion and the values of St. Bridget College.
Drawing from our tradition of caring we create a culture of reconciliation, justice and peace responsive to societal and cosmic needs.
SBC Vision Statement
St. Bridget College Batangas is a Catholic evangelizing educational institution founded by the Religious of the Good Shepherd inspired by the compassion of Jesus, and the zeal of St. John Eudes and St. Mary Euphrasia.
We form Christian communities through education that strengthens faith and morals and uplifts human dignity.
Impelled by merciful love we participate actively in building a transformed society characterized by love of God and neighbor, justice, peace, reconciliation, and integrity of creation.