Institutional Core Values


St. Bridget College strives to develop individuals who are “COMPASSION-ATE PERSONS” and whose love for Christ and His Church is also their love for the least of the brothers and sisters. It seeks to develop persons who give witness that “a person is of more value than a world.


St. Bridget College strives to form individuals who have burning desire to make God known, those who have loved, served and saved souls, individuals who have the will to fulfill the duties of their state with eagerness, affection, courage and perseverance.


St. Bridget College strives towards the development of community of persons who believes the Church of Christ includes the least of the brothers and sisters needing to be loved and served. It seeks to form individuals who are willing to share their time, talent and treasures with those who have little or none at all, individuals who help without expecting anything in return. It seeks to form persons who promote a climate of evangelical welcome and kindness, peace and harmony at all means.


St. Bridget College strives to form community of persons who are worthy of trust, individuals who are able to respect the accomplishment of others and able to accept their own strength and weaknesses; individuals who have the skill to give the information objectively and truthfully.


St. Bridget College strives towards the formation of communities of per. sons who are grateful to their blessings, individuals who recognize their essential quality with every other individuals and adhere to the Golden Rule. It seeks to develop individuals who see that they have moral obligation to express  themselves truthfully. It seeks to form loving persons who have chosen to love other persons as another self. It commits itself to individuals who are aware of their human dignity; and are able to practice fairness, righteousness and uprightness in doing things and in dealing with others.


St. Bridget College strives to the formation of persons who are loyal and supportive to their country. It seeks to develop individuals who appreciate Filipino history and culture, its heritage of freedom,  traditions, values and ideals of justice and peace.