“Each one of you, each one of us, has his or her own contribution to give in order for us to carry the mission…”

These were some of the words Sr. Ma. Añanita Borbon, RGS, PhD, college president, emphasized in her talk on Co-responsibility for the Mission during the Institutional Year-End Assembly held on June 21, 2024 at Manuela Q. Pastor Auditorium, St. Bridget College, Batangas City.

“In our time today, being the daughters and sons of St. Mary Euphrasia, the call is partnership — it is a call of the spirit; it is a call of our times; it is the call of the congregation of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd,” she also shared.

Focusing on pathways to strengthen partnership in mission, she elaborated on how it is experienced in the institution.

These include working together in ministries, relevant formation opportunities, shared decision-making process, welcoming initiatives, attention to good ideas, respected roles, clear lines of accountability, and prevalence of goodwill.

She also expressed her hope to strengthen partnerships, through co-responsibility for the sustainability and effectiveness of everyone’s mission at St. Bridget College.

Aside from the aforementioned talk, the activity also featured recognition of family members and loved ones of partners in mission.

They were given symbolic lamps as token of appreciation for their love, support, and regard for what they have been sharing for St. Bridget College.

Business partners, benefactors, and collaborators of St. Bridget College were also recognized.

They delivered and signed their pledge of commitment to serve as collaborators in advancing education, making meaningful contributions, and committing to a future of shared knowledge and academic excellence.

The presentation of accomplishments of the different departments and offices, as well as the campus improvements, was also part of the program.

 Dr. Dolores D. Borras, SHS principal, presented the updates and achievements of the Integrated Basic Education (IBED), Senior High School, and College departments. Focusing on the offices, Dr. Imelda B. Vergara shared the accomplishments of the Human Resource Management and Development Office (HRMDO), Finance Office, Institutional Technology Management and Services Office (ITMSO), and Institutional Research, Planning, and Publications Office (IRPPO).

Mrs. Ma. Socorro Lalap, Christian Formation and Praxis Office head, discussed the involvement of the institution in the parish and archdiocese. On the other hand, Mrs. Julieta Macalalad, Campus Services and External Relations Office, presented updates on campus improvements.

Moreover, lay mission partners in age groups entertained the audience with their song and dance performances.

In her closing message, Sr. Mary Flor Tio, RGS, local leader of the CALABARZON community, pointed out the significance of partnership in the ministry of service and togetherness in reaching out to touch each other, preaching the right practice, and practicing what one preaches.

She added that shared responsibility for mission is connected with the broad concept of teamwork and together, they form the backbone of a thriving and successful team. While teamwork emphasizes collaborative efforts, shared responsibility ensures that every team member actively participates in achieving common goals.

Moreover, she encouraged everyone to savor and celebrate the successes and achievements of the institution, and also think of the challenges ahead.

She also thanked all those who have journeyed with the Good Shepherd sisters and the entire Bridgetine community; and gave a reminder, especially for teachers, not to give up on anyone even when they think they cannot make a difference.

The session ended with the community singing of the Bridgetine hymn.

Mrs. Grace Lorraine Pelingon, Human Resource Management and Development Officer, and Mr. Isidro Pelingon, SHS Student Activity Officer, served as hosts of the said event.

By Dr. Imelda B. Vergara, IRPP Officer