To evaluate the existing vision and mission statements of the school for strengths, weaknesses, and relevance to the current educational landscape, representatives from the administration, faculty and staff conducted Review of the Vision and Mission on September 23, 2024 at Mary Dominica Function Hall, St. Bridget College, Batangas City.
With the theme, Revisit to Revitalize: Analyzing the School’s Vision and Mission, the participants reviewed the current vision and mission of the institution.
They conducted group sharing and discussion to ensure alignment with community values and reflect the core aspirations of the school community.
Sr. Ma. Añanita Borbon, RGS, PhD, college president, facilitated the session.
She shared significant ideas on topics including the overview of vision and mission; elements of vision such as identity, core values, core purpose, and desired future; as well as elements of mission particularly target, internal transformation, programs / services, core and competence.
After thorough discussion, they came up with the vision stating that St. Bridget College is an inclusive Catholic institution, that envisions to cultivate holistic, ethical, and empowered global citizens that foster communal and societal transformation through 21st century educational practices rooted in Good Shepherd spirituality.
On the other hand, the different elements of mission statement were identified to enrich understanding of its significance in the institution.
Included in the elements discussed were target, internal transformation, programs and services, as well as core competencies.
After the discussion, the group formulated the revised mission which states that St. Bridget College is committed to be globally competitive institution providing transformative education through responsive and relevant programs and services that develop a community of lifelong learners, servant leaders, innovative professionals, and engaged educational partners.
The proposed revised vision and mission will be presented to the Board of Trustees, the school community, and stakeholders for feedback and approval before finally adopting it.